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Monthly Chef's Tasting Menu returns

Due to numerous requests, we've brought back our monthly tasting menus for both lodging and dining guests to enjoy.

Each will be seasonal, even more than our a la carte menu. Each will have multiple courses and will take approximately two hours so reservations are typically by 7:30 pm.

"I like to start with something bright, light and as you move through the courses, the flavors get bigger and bolder," Chef Michael Ehlenfeldt explained. "I would never serve fish after a meat course."

As for dessert, Chef Michael doesn't like desserts that are too sweet. "I like the sweetness in the fruit to do its thing."

When reserving, we ask for minimum 24-hour notice. Due to the complexity of the menu, there are also no substitutions, vegetarian or vegan options. We also require everyone at the table to participate. There is a wine-pairing option that starts at $50 per person. The dinner price is $75 per person.

If you're staying with us, and you've purchased a dining or romance package, there is always the option to enjoy a three course dinner (from our a la carte menu) instead of the tasting.

We'll publish the new menu a few days before the next month.

Call for reservations: (802) 263-9217.


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